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初三教案 第589期


Losing our language? (P2)
1. Do you know the meanings of these emojis?
Can you describe them in Chinese?
While reading
1. What does the survey by China Youth Daily show?
A. About 76 percent of Chinese people are losing their language skills.
B. Over three quarters of young Chinese people think their language skills have weakened. 
C. Rhetorical technique is becoming less important in the digital era.
D. Young Chinese people don’t need to use words to describe photos they posted.
2. What do Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly tell us?
A. What people’s new communication habits are.
B. Which phrases are most popular on the internet.
C. Why young people like using emojis.
D. Where young people learn new expressions.
3. Due to the continued use of direct expressions and emojis, people could become _____.
A. good at thinking creatively
B. unable to use words properly
C. less interested in talking with others
D. satisfied with their laziness
4. What can we do to improve our language skills?
A. Think like an adult. 
B. Stop using emojis.
C. Read works of literature.
D. Use difficult language.
Words in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. Employees said they would ______ (更喜欢) more flexible working hours.
2. What do you think we should do ________ (改善) the environment?
3. 他才能卓著。
He is a man with extraordinary _______.
Have a think:
1. According to the story, what are some ways or tips to improve our language skills?
2. Do you think that these tips can really help? Can you give some other suggestions?
Story behind your phone (P4)
1. Do you have a smartphone?
2. Where does your smartphone come from?
While reading
1. What does the word “easy” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A. Not difficult.           B. Pleasant.
C. Not worried.          D. Common.
2. Why did researchers grind up an iPhone 4S?
A. To draw people’s attention to Apple.
B. To test the quality of smartphones.
C. To try out a blender they invented.
D. To find out which elements are used in smartphones.
3. The researchers are actually concerned about _____.
A. how much ore is needed for each smartphone 
B. the problems that mining conflict elements brings
C. countries and areas that are destroyed by wars
D. providing better jobs for children worldwide
4. What can we infer from the story?
A. Smartphones are expensive because they are made of rare elements.
B. Smartphone companies like Apple used to use child labor.
C. Recycling our smartphones is a more ethical choice than throwing them away.
D. The researchers are strongly against the use of smartphones.
Words in use
1. He is known _____ his films and TV shows.
2. The disease is more commonly known _____ mad cow disease.
3. What do you know _____ him?
4. I hope we have taught our children to know right ______ wrong..
1. Do you know what your friends or family members do with their old phones?
2. If they don’t recycle their phones, do you know why they don’t do so?
3. How can we encourage more people to recycle their smartphones?
Changing with time (P6)
1. How long does a year last to you?
2. Do holidays seem to pass faster than school days?
3. Does time in general pass quickly or slowly for you?
While reading
1. The phrase “in the blink of an eye” in Paragraph 1 means _____.
A. directly                        B. quickly
C. slowly                          D. carefully
2. What do we know from Paragraph 2?
A. Human brains become smaller over time.
B. Adults often feel that they don’t have enough time.
C. Adults don’t process information as quickly as babies.
D. Adults go through lots of physical changes.
3. What does David Eagleman tell us?
A. Babies take in a lot of information in a single day.
B. Psychological factors can affect how a person feels about time.
C. Recalling memories makes people feel like time is going faster.
D. Memorable events can slow down the pace of brain degradation.
4. The aim of the story is to _____.
A. encourage people to make better use of their time
B. explain why kids learn things faster than adults
C. explain why people sense time differently as they age
D. remind people to create more memorable memories
Words in use
1. 当我们阅读的时候时间似乎过得很快。
   Time _________ to go faster when we are reading.
2. 阅读过程中,你在迅速而准确地吸收思想。
   As you read, you _______ ideas rapidly and accurately.
3. 我回想起了聚会的每一个细节。
   I ________ every detail of the party.
1. Do you think our feelings about time really matter?
2. What can we do to make the most of our time?
1. B。从文中第二段第一句According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, more than 76 percent of young people in China said they felt their Chinese language skills have declined.可以得知中国青年报的调查显示超过76%的中国年轻人感受到自己的汉语技能下降。故答案选B。
2. A。 由文章第三段第一句direct expression is the preferred way to communicate online. 和第四段第一句 “copy and paste (粘贴)” culture is getting popular. 可以得知人们习惯于用直接的表情或表达、重复某一句式等来交流,即人们的交流习惯。答案为A。
3. B。从文章倒数第二段最后一句If teenagers adopt casual (不正式的) methods of expression like emojis, they could lose the ability to use words properly. 可以得知因为连续使用一些表情或直接的表达方式,人们逐渐失去了恰当使用词语的能力。故答案为B。
4. C。从文章的最后一段第二句They also suggest that we should read more works of literature (文学).可以得知我们可以通过阅读文学作品来改善我们的语言技能。故答案为C。 
Word in use
1.prefer   2. to improve   3. abilities
1. B。 从全文可以得知手机背后的故事并不是那么有趣。故答案为B。
2. D。从文章第三段第一句Researchers at England’s University of Plymouth did an experiment to draw people’s attention to the use of conflict elements. 可以得知他们是为了弄清楚智能手机里的元素有哪些。故答案为D。
3. B。从文章第六段第一句And there is another big problem with mining conflict elements可以得知研究者们其实更关注微量冲突元素带来的问题。故答案为B。
4.C。文章的倒数第二段第二句Companies like Apple have promised to recycle more of their goods and fight child labor. 可以得知回收利用手机产品要比扔掉更好。故答案为C。
Word in use
1. for   2. as   3. about 4. from
1.B。文中第一段最后一句Why does time seem to pass faster as we get older?可以得知当我们长大了会觉得时间过得更快,对应上一句可以得知这个词组的意思是快。故答案为B。
2. C。从文章中第二段最一句This physical change causes the rate at which we take in and process (处理) new information to decline (下降)可以得知第二段主要在说成年人不及孩童接受、处理信息快。故答案为C。
3. B。从文章第五段第一句In addition, people may also “feel” time differently due to psychological (心理的) reasons.可以得知心理因素也是影响人们对时间的感受的一个方面。故答案为B。
4. C。从全文可以知道本文主要是在解释成年人对时间的感受变化的原因。故答案为C。
Word in use
1. seems to   2. take in   3. recalled

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