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初二教案 第661期


How should stars act? (P2)
     Who’s your favorite singer?
     What’s your favorite band?
     Why do you like them?
While reading
Choose the answer:
1. The phrase “has gone viral” means _____.
A. has been deleted
B. has spread widely
C. has become a trend
D. has gotten out of control
2. What did Wang say in his apology?
A. He had been influenced by a “bad example”.
B. Smoking is harmful to our health.
C. He would take responsibility for what he did.
D. The restaurant should be punished as well.
3. Some have argued in favor of Wang, saying _____.
A. Wang has the right to smoke as an adult
B. his punishment was too harsh
C. not many fans were influenced by Wang
D. Wang was not the only one smoking in public
4. What do we know from the story?
A. Wang had never smoked in public before.
B. Smoking is banned in all public places in Beijing. 
C. Celebrities should not smoke anywhere.
D. There were no “no smoking” signs in the restaurant before.
Word in use
1. You owe him an a_____for what you said.
2. He can't b____ being laughed at.
3. They're p____ up new street signs.
Do celebrities make good role models for kids?
Be happy with yourself (P5)
1. Have you ever thought about losing some weight?
2. Why do you want to lose weight?
3. What is the best way to lose weight?
While reading
Choose the answer
1. What does having a good body image mean?
A. You feel like you can never be skinny enough.
B. You are satisfied with how you look.
C. You are already in perfect shape.
D. You are worried about your body shape.
2. What does “this phenomenon” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A. That women always complain about their weight.
B. That women love to post pictures on their WeChat moments.
C. That women are always in good shape.
D. That women enjoy losing weight.
3. What does the author think of the “A4 challenge”?
A. He thought it was fun.
B. He disagreed with it.
C. He wanted to take part in it.
D. He was angry about it.
4. What can we infer from the story?
A. There are some people who will never be satisfied with their bodies.
B. Chinese society places very little pressure on women.
C. Winning the “A4 challenge” means that you are healthy.
D. Strict beauty ideals should be promoted.
Word in use
Fill in the blanks:
1. His public _______ (形象) is very different from his real self.
2. The job ______ (施加) great demands on me.
3. ____________(很遗憾), I won't be able to attend the meeting. .
1. How do you feel about your own body?
Is fruit juice healthy? (P6)
Do you like to drink fruit juice? Why or why not?
While reading
Choose the answer:
1. What will happen if people take in too much sugar every day?
A. They will lose some weight.
B. They will get fewer vitamins.
C. They might die from heart disease.
D. They might have sleep problems.
2. What do some US cities do to get people to drink fewer sugary drinks?
A. They increase the prices for fresh fruit.
B. They set higher prices for sugary beverages.
C. They close shops that sell sugary drinks.
D. They don’t allow shops to sell sugary drinks to kids.
3. What does the story mainly tell us?
A. Fruit juice is not as healthy as we think.
B. Drinking soda can cause many health problems.
C. Fruit juice is a kind of sugary drink.
D. People take in too much sugar every day.
Word in use
1. 她的美丽不能弥补她的愚蠢。
Her beauty can't _________ her stupidity.
2. 他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。
His parents tried to _________ his interest in music, but he persisted.
3. 选错俱乐部也许会限制你成功的机会。
Choosing the wrong club might _____ your chances of success.
     Suppose that your school wants students to drink fewer sugary drinks. What rules might it create to accomplish this?
Page 2
1. B。从文中第一段第二句As public figures, celebrities have to be careful about what they say and do, as they are always in the spotlight.可以得知作为公众人物,艺人必须谨言慎行,因为他们总是在大众注目之下。故可推测短语的意思是散播开来。答案选B。
2. C。 由文章第三段最后一句He also noted that he would bear responsibility for his actions and accept his punishment accordingly. 可以得知王源在道歉中提出,他将对自己的行为负责,并接受相应的惩罚。故答案为C 。
3. A。从文章第五段第一句Some, however, argue that Wang, who will soon turn 19, is an adult and has the right to decide whether or not to smoke. 可以得知一些人认为,王源即将年满19岁,是成年人了,有权决定是否吸烟。故答案为A。
Page 5
1. B。从文中第一段最后一句Some people have a good body image – they know that while their bodies might not be perfect, they are still healthy and happy. 可以得知有些人有一个良好的身体形象,他们知道虽然他们的身体可能不完美,但他们仍然健康快乐。答案选B。
2. A。 由文章第三段第二句I often see them complain about their weight on my WeChat moments, even though they are already in good shape. 可以得知我经常在微信朋友圈看到这样的现象,一些朋友抱怨他们的体重,即使他们的体形已经保持的不错。故答案为A 。
3. B。从文章第五段最后一句For most people, that would mean that they are at an unhealthy weight. 可以得知作者认为对大多数人来说,“A4腰”的挑战意味着他们的体重不健康。故答案为B。
4. A。从文章的第二段But many others – especially women – have a “broken” view of their bodies. They feel like they can never be skinny enough. 可以得知许多其他人,尤其是女性,对自己的身体有一种极端的想法,她们觉得自己永远都不够瘦。故答案为A。
Page 6
1. C。文中第二段第二句Taking in too much sugar can cause many health problems, such as weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes。可以得知摄入太多的糖会导致许多健康问题,如体重增加、心脏病和糖尿病。故答案为C。
2. B。文章第四段第一句This is why some cities in the US have increased prices for sugary beverages. 可得知美国一些城市已经提高了含糖饮料的价格来让人们减少对含糖饮料的摄入。故答案为B。
3. A。从文章第一段第一句You might think that drinking fruit juice is healthy. But that’s not quite true. 和第四段最后一句Sugary beverages, whether soft drinks or fruit juices, should be limited. 可以得知含糖的饮料,无论是不含酒精的饮料还是果汁都不像人们想象的那样健康。故答案为A。

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