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初三教案 第596期


Using up our planet (P2)


1. Are natural resources renewable?

2.What might happen if we use up all of our natural resources?



While reading


1. What is the story mainly about?

A. The fact that we have used up too many natural resources.

B. What we can do to save resources.

C. How human activity has caused environmental damage.

D. Why we should protect the environment.


2. What do we know about Earth Overshoot Day?

A. It falls on July 29 every year.

B. It is chosen by the United Nations.

C. It has been calculated for 48 years.  

D. It reminds people not to shoot animals.


3. What does “this” in Paragraph 6 refer to?

A. Increasing CO2 levels that are caused by human activity.

B. The speed at which the human population grows.

C. The speed at which humans use natural resources.

D. The possibility that more species may die out.  


4. What do we know from the story?

A. Our planet is becoming slower to create new resources.

B. Wildfires have destroyed our natural resources.  

C. Asian countries have found ways to use fewer natural resources.

D. More work needs to be done to solve resource-related problems.



Words in use

Fill in the blanks:

1. I have a difficult time __________ (处理) my relationship with my parents. What can I do?

2. What will happen if we ________ (用完) all the water on the earth?

3. ________ (多亏) his efforts, the project was quite successful.




Everyone should do their part to save natural resources. How can you help?




Just don’t want to work (P4)


1. Have you finished your summer homework?

2. Can you give any advice to those who haven't finished their homework?



While reading

1. What does the phrase “burn the midnight oil” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. work fast

B. stay up late

C. break a lamp into pieces

D. work secretly


2. Procrastinators refer to people who _____.

A. don’t do their homework during vacation

B. often finish their tasks earlier than others

C. put off their work until the last minute

D. are not responsible for the quality of their work


3. What does Paragraph 4 talk about?

A. How the author usually deals with his work.

B. Why people should finish their work earlier.

C. How people can stop putting off their work.

D. What the author does to overcome procrastination.


4. The author probably agrees that _____.

A. it is hard for people to finish their work on time

B. procrastination is not a serious problem

C. people feel less stressed after putting off their work

D. people should relax before doing their work



Words in use


1. We should learn to be r ____________for our own work.

2. He made his reasons for going abroad a__________ clear.

3. When I help you to make sense of your life, my life makes s_______ as well..




What do you think about procrastinating?

Do you think making plans and working efficiently can prevent procrastination?




Mystery of mirages (P6)


Are these buildings really there?

We call this a mirage (海市蜃楼). How much do you know about it?



While reading





























Words in use


1. 若不是流水在表面形成的波澜,几乎看不到水的存在。

If not for the waves on____________ the water, we wouldn’t notice the water’s presence.

2. 未来能否成功取决于你现在是否努力。

Success in the future ____________ whether or not you work hard now.

3. 昨天我在电影院等了他很久他都没有出现。

I waited for him for a long time at the theater yesterday, but he didn't __________.




Which of the following are examples of mirages? Explain why they appear.


1. A pool of water on the road on a hot summer day.

2. The “city on the lake”.

3. Buildings in Jiangsu province.

4. Buildings on hot roads and in deserts..










1. A。文章第一段到第五段主要讲人类用自然资源的速度远远超过了资源再生的速度。由此可知人类现在用了太多的自然资源。故答案选A


2. C。 由文章第三段第二句  It has been marking EOD since 1971 by keeping record of how much water, land, fish and forest we use, as well as how much CO2 were emitting (排放).可以得知地球超支日从1971年开始计算到2019年已有48年了。故答案为C


3. C。第六段的 “this”代替的是第五段Human beings are now using natural resources 1.75 times faster than they can be renewed, Quartz reported.指人类利用自然资源的速度。故答案为C


4. D。从文章的第七段第一句和最后一句 However, humans are taking some small steps to deal with the problem. But theres still a very long way to go, ScienceAlert noted.可以得知要解决资源的问题还有很多工作要做。故答案为D。   



Word in use

1. dealing with   2. use up/ run out of  3. Thanks to




1.B。从文章第一段第二句 How many of you have burned the midnight oil to finish your homework over the last few days?可以得知此句是想问在暑假结束前的几天里是否在赶着完成作业。选项A工作快,选项B熬夜,选项C把一盏灯打碎,选项D秘密工作。故答案为B

2. C。从文章第二段第二句、第三句 A lot of people tend to put off difficult or annoying tasks until they absolutely must be done. Theyre called procrastinators.可以拖延症患者就是把他们的工作推迟到最后一分钟完成的人。故答案为C


3. A。文章第四段以作者的口吻讲故BC错误,不是人们怎样。选项A作者通常如何处理他的工作。选项D作者如何克服拖延症。从文章第四段第一、二句可知作者有点拖拉但多数时候都是早点完成。故答案为A


4. B。 从文章最后一段可以得知作者认为时不时拖拉是很自然的,只要确保按时完成作业就好。由此可见作者认为拖延不是一个严重的问题。故答案为B


Word in use

1. responsible   2. absolutely   3. sense  




1.false. 从文章第四段第二句This can create a false image of a nearby object.可知答案是false


2.deserts.从文章第六段第二句They are often seen on hot roads and in deserts.可知答案是deserts


3.How. 文章第三、四?

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