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初二教案 第672期



Can we stop blindness? (P2)

I. Pre-reading
1. Do you wear glasses? When did you start to wear them?
2. How many students in your class wear glasses?

II. While Reading
Choose the answer:
1. The WHO recently made a report about _____ around the world.
A. cataract operations
B. vision problems
C. wearing glasses
D. eye care services 

2. The examples of African drivers and Bolivian farmers show that _____.
A. people with poor vision face many difficulties
B. too much work can cause people to become nearsighted
C. people with cataracts will go blind
D. there is no eye care in African countries

3. In southern Asia, people still have problems getting glasses because _____.
A. wearing glasses goes against their cultural beliefs
B. wearing glasses can make their eyes worse
C. only people from rich families are able to wear glasses
D. wearing glasses will hurt them

4. What can we learn from the story?
A. Only people in poor places have eye problems.
B. Eye health is a big problem in poor countries.
C. People can do little to protect their eyesight.
D. WHO will help some countries deal with vision problems.

III. Words in use
thousands of, because of, such as
1.Family celebrations, ________ holidays and birthday parties, are always a lot of fun.
2. Last Sunday, we stayed at home ________ the rain .
3. For __________ years, poetry (诗歌) has been one of the most popular types of literature (文学) in China.

IV. Post-reading
What can we do to stop our eyesight from getting worse?



Breakfast or lunch? (P3)

I. Pre-reading
1. When do you get up on weekends?
2. Do you have breakfast on weekends?
3. What do you usually have?

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. Brunch might happen around _____.
A. 8:00 am
B. 10:30 am
C. 12:00 am
D. 5:00 pm

2. What do we know about brunch?
A. It is always more expensive than breakfast.
B. Artists created and popularized it.
C. People eat brunch more quickly than other meals.
D. The word comes from “breakfast” and “lunch”.

3. Brunch is getting popular among young people because _____.
A. it looks good on their social media feeds
B. they like to eat brunch with friends
C. it is easy to buy brunch in most shops
D. brunch is usually cheaper than other meals

4. What does the author think of brunch?
A. Brunch is very delicious.
B. Brunch is healthier than breakfast.
C. Brunch should take the place of lunch.
D. Brunch helps us save time.

III. Words in use
1.Hainan is one of ______________ (famous) places for its fresh air and beautiful beaches.
2. The royal wedding of William, the British prince, and Kate, an _________ (普通的) woman, drew worldwide attention.
3. He _______ (raise) his voice so that everybody could hear him.
4. 翻译:Nothing can take the place of love and family.

IV. Post-reading
1. Do you often have brunch?
2. What is your opinion about brunch?



Why our cats love us (P6)

I. Pre-reading
What do you think about pet cats?

II. While reading
Choose the answer:
1. People usually think that cats _____.
A. are friendly toward people
B. like to be alone
C. are strongly bonded to dogs
D. cannot remember their owners

2. Researchers carried out the test to learn more about _____.
A. the major difference between cats and dogs
B. the reasons why cats don’t care about people
C. the relationship between cats and their owners
D. the ways in which cat owners take care of their pets

3. What was the main finding of the study, according to the story?
A. Like dogs, cats have strong relationships with their owners.
B. Cats act calmly in unfamiliar places.
C. Dogs are more loved by their owners than cats are.
D. Cats don’t need as much security as dogs.

III. Words in use
1.Never _______ small children ______ in public. (把...单独留下)
2. Our body is mostly water, about 65 to 75 percent. That is to say, about ________ (三分之二) of our body is water.
3. I have a new pen. It __________ (与...相似) yours.
4. - Can I ______ (邀请) my friends to the party on Saturday?
- Of course you can.

IV. Post-reading
To many people, pets are like close friends. If you could raise a pet of your own, what kind of pet would you choose?



II. 1. B。about 和 on 都可以表示“关于” 。根据文中第二段第一句 the World Health Organization (WHO) gave out its first World Report on Vision.  可知答案选 B。
2. A。第二段最后一句说到 Over 800 million people have trouble to do everyday activities,紧接着第三段对此进行举例说明,由此可知答案选 A。
3. A。由第五段第一句 In southern Asia … still some cultural barriers (障碍) when trying to get glasses 可知答案选 A。
4. B。文章第二段提到很多人因为没钱买眼镜所以在日常活动中存在麻烦,且第四段第一句说 This is mainly a problem in low-income countries。由此可知答案选 B。
III. 1. such as  2. because of  3. thousands of

II. 1. B。根据文章第一段 ... too tired to get up early on Saturday morning ... you’ve already missed breakfast, but lunch is still a few hours away. 可知答案选B。
2. D。据第二段第二句 Brunch gets its name from the first two letters of breakfast  and the last four letters of lunch.可知 D 选项正确。A. B. C. 选项文中没有提及。
3. A。据第三段 Brunch is becoming more popular among young people. Beautiful brunches help them get more “likes” on social media. 精致的早午餐帮助年轻人在社交媒体上获得更多的关注,可知答案选 A。
4. A。本题考查作者观点。据第五段第一句 The brunch tasted great. 可知 答案选A。B. C. D. 三个选项在文章中没有提到。
III. 1. the most famous  2. ordinary  3. raised
4. 没有任何东西能够代替爱和家庭。

II. 1. B。根据第一段 Cats don’t seem very friendly. Unlike dogs, they don’t often play with people. They stay alone for hours. 可知答案为 B。
2. C。由第二段第一句... studied cats’ relationships with their owners. 可知应选 C。
3. A。本文通过实验证明了猫在主人离开后焦虑不安,主人回来后会和主人问好。由此得出结论:猫喜欢单独待着和猫不关心人类的观点是不成立的。在不熟悉的地方,猫主人是猫安全感的来源。由第一段最后一句 a new study … cats are just as strongly bonded to us as dogs. 可知正确答案为 A。
III. 1. leave alone  2. two-thirds  3. is similar to  4. invite

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