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初二教案 第681期





Flying all by myself (P3)


I. Pre-reading

Have you ever traveled?

How should you prepare before traveling?


II. While Reading

Choose the answer:

1. The author tells us about _____.

A. getting lost

B. flying alone

C. meeting her favorite idol

D. going abroad the first time


2. The author felt worried during the trip because _____.

A. she went to the wrong security gate

B. she met some strange people

C. the security staff didn’t let her pass

D. she packed some banned objects


3. What do we know about the author from Paragraph 3?

A. She likes to read on the plane.

B. She is a quiet girl.

C. She likes to travel alone.

D. She likes computer science.


4. What word would best describe the author’s experience?

A. Expected.                    B. Meaningful.

C. Peaceful.                    D. Lonely.


III. Words in use


1. - What should I do to apply for a position in the student union?

- First, please _____ _____ (填写) an application form and turn it in for review.

2. I _____ _____ (遇到) my favorite fashion designer in France.

3. I can manage the situation _____ _____ (独自).


IV. Post-reading

Have you ever taken a flight or train alone?

If yes, how did you feel about the experience?

Are you afraid to travel alone?





Dressing up the house (P4)


I. Pre-reading

People in the US decorate their houses during Christmas. Have you ever seen these decorations? Can you name any of them?  


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The underlined word “glue” probably means _____.

A. 放置                            B. 粘合

C. 装饰                            D. 重叠


2. Which of the following decorations is made out of food?

A. Tree branches.                 B. Red bows.

C. Colored bulbs.                  D. Gingerbread houses.


3. Which Christmas decoration reminds us of the return of spring? 

A. Gingerbread houses.

B. Christmas trees.

C. Green wreaths.

D. Electric toy mice.


4. The last paragraph is mainly about _____.

A. the author’s memory of a Christmas decoration

B. what toy the author liked best when he was a kid

C. what the most popular Christmas decoration is

D. where the author got his favorite toy mice


III. Words in use


1. Sleep is ________ (尤其) important for growing children.

2. I‘m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Can you ________ (提醒) me? 

3. The building _____ currently _____ _____ (use) as a warehouse.


IV. Post-reading

Compared to Christmas decorations, our Spring Festival decorations are quite different. Please describe some Spring Festival decorations in 60-80 words. 




Learning to dance (P6)


I. Pre-reading

Do you dance? What kind of dance do you like best? Why?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The chimpanzee study found that _____.

A. apes sometimes move in sync with each other

B. apes communicate with each other often

C. apes learned dancing from humans

D. apes dance wildly in front of cameras


2. What can we learn from Dr Adriano Lameira?

A. It’s difficult for humans to learn dancing.

B. Dancers have to move quickly.

C. Humans might have learned dancing from apes.

D. Humans are careful when they are dancing.


3. The last paragraph tells us that _____.

A. apes cannot teach humans how to dance

B. there is no evidence that apes can dance

C. dancing is the best way to communicate

D. dancing might have helped apes deal with stress


III. Words in use


1.This is perhaps his best novel to date. 


2. The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.


3. 我给一个年轻人指出了旅馆在地图上的位置。



IV. Post-reading

Human beings have learned a lot from animals. Apes taught us how to dance. What else have we learned from animals?





II. 1. B。本题考查对文章大意的把握,根据第二段首句“My first time flying alone would take me from Chicago to Montreal.” 可知,作者在文章中与读者分享了她独自乘坐国际航班的经历,故选 B

2. A。根据第二段第2 “I can still remember feeling worried after I walked to the wrong security gate.” 可知,让作者焦虑的是她走错了安检门,故选 A

3. D。第三段提到 “As a computer science fan myself, it was exciting to speak with him.”,可知作者喜欢计算机科学,其余三项均未提及,故选 D

4. B。定位全文最后一段,作者在首句提到 “managing the whole trip by myself allowed me to develop more life skills.”,可推测在作者心目中,独自出行的经历应该是有意义的,故选 B

III. 1. fill out  2. came across  3. by myself



II. 1. B。根据第二段上下文可知姜饼屋是由小块的姜饼和糖霜粘在一起的,所以 glue 在句中应该是粘合的意思,故选 B

2. D。通读第二段可知,姜饼屋是由姜饼和糖霜制成、并用糖果装点的,所有的部分都是可以食用的;还可以根据第二段最后一句 “Kids can eat them after building them.” 进行推测,故选 D

3. C。根据第四段 “The green wreaths remind us that spring will return.” 可知,绿色花环象征着春天的回归,故选 C

4. A。定位最后一段,根据作者的描述以及最后一句“That’s one of my favorite Christmas memories” 可知,最后一段是作者对圣诞装饰的美好回忆,故选 A


III. 1. especially  2. remind  3. is; being used



II. A定位文章第二段,根据 “They noticed that the two monkeys would often make movements in sync with each other, almost like they were dancing together.” 可知,两只大猩猩有时移动的步调一致,而 chimpanzee 属于 apes 的一种,故选 A

2. C。定位文章第四段, Lameira 指出,舞者必须小心地使自己的身体动作与舞伴的动作相匹配,且根据最后一句 “This is a skill that we might have learned from apes.” 可知,人类跳舞的技能很可能是从类人猿身上学来的,故选 C

3. D。定位最后一段,根据 “They may have used these movements as way of communicating with each other that would help them release stress, according to the researchers.” 可知,类似于跳舞的步调能够帮助类人猿交流沟通、释放压力,故选 D

III. 1. 这也许是他迄今为止最好的小说。

2. 我首先注意到的是这屋子里的气味。

3. I pointed out to the young man where the hotel was on the map.

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