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初二教案 第691期






China gets greener (P2)



I. Pre-reading

1. Why do people plant trees?

2. How can planting trees help change the world?

3. Have you ever planted a tree? If so, share your experience.


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. In China, the rate of forest coverage has risen to _____.

A. 5.05 percent

B. 17.91 percent

C. 22.96 percent

D. 28.01 percent


2. China has planted billions of trees over past decades to _____.

A. create a new city in the desert

B. turn deserts into green land

C. build the Great Green Wall

D. stop deserts from expanding


3. What did China do to build a greener country?

a. Restored grasslands.

b. Protected forests.

c. Banned wooden furniture.

d. Banned commercial logging.

A. abc         B. abd             

C. acd         D. bcd


4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A. Everybody can help build a greener country.

B. China’s forest coverage is the highest in the world.

C. The growth of forests is due to Ant Forest.

D. There will be no deserts in northern China.


III. Word in use.


over, against, besides, without

1._______ the last 10 years, three of Antarctica's largest glaciers have been rapidly thinning.

2. Rabbits can see behind themselves, even _______ moving their heads!

3. Some people choose jobs for other reasons _______ money these days.

4. Everyone in China is doing their part in the fight _______ the new coronavirus.


IV. Post-reading

What can students like us do to make the world greener?



What do masks mean? (P4-5)



I. Pre-reading

1. Before the virus broke out, when would you usually wear a mask?

2. How long have you been wearing your mask recently?

3. Is it inconvenient to wear a mask?


II. While Reading



In the west

In the east


What do people think of wearing masks in public?

It may make them feel “worried”, “ shy ”, and “afraid of being looked at differently.”


Wearing masks is common.





When do people wear masks?




Only when they get sick.


· To stay warm in winter.

· To protect against air


· To show politeness at

 time of a cold

· To be fashionable.

· To protect privacy.


Choose the answer:

1. In daily life, Western people wear masks when _____.

A. they are in a panic

B. they are worried

C. they are shy

D. they are sick


2. Where was the modern medical mask invented?

A. In the UK.              B. In Japan.

C. In China.        D. In the US.


3. The reasons why Asian people like to wear masks do NOT include _____.

A. covering their makeup

B. protecting against air pollution

C. looking fashionable

D. protecting their privacy


4. What is the story mainly about?

A. Why masks are popular in Asian culture.

B. The importance of wearing masks during epidemics.

C. Why Western people don’t wear masks during epidemics.

D. Different views of masks in different countries.


III. Word in use


1. It’s good manners to keep your voice down ________ (在公众场合) .

2. Speaking in front of people ______________ (让我觉得担忧) .

3. Washing your hands is one of the simplest ways you can _____________ (保护自己) and others from illnesses.

4. The new technology ____________ (被广泛应用) to check people’s temperatures.


IV. Post-reading

There are a lot of cultural differences between the West and the East. What differences do you know?



Iranians celebrate springtime (P7)



I. Pre-reading

1. How do people celebrate the new year in China?

2. What do you know about Iran?

3. What do you know about Persian culture?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. In Iran, Nowruz means the coming of _____.

A. spring                    B. summer

C. autumn          D. winter


2. How long does Nowruz last?

A. One day.        B. 12 days.

C. 13 days.               D. Half a month.


3. To wish for good luck during Nowruz, Iranians _____.

A. decorate their houses with flowers

B. jump over fires on Festival of Fire

C. give gift money to children

D. go on picnics with friends and families


4. Which of the following is NOT a way to celebrate Nowruz?

A. Spring cleaning.

B. Going to temples.

C. Family dinners.      

D. Street performances.


III. Word in use.


celebrate, change into, play a key role in, be full of

1. She could_________ a different outfit in two minutes.

2. Dads ___________ in our lives. They protect us and teach us new skills.

3. China _______ confidence in the battle against the novel coronavirus.

4. He returned home each year _________ Christmas with his family. 


IV. Post-reading

How do different cultures celebrate the coming of a new year? Describe some of the differences.





II. 1. C。细节题。根据第1段的内容可得知,经过中国政府和人们的努力,中国的森林覆盖率已经上升到了22.96%,所以正确答案为C

2. D。细节题。根据第2段的内容可得知,中国最近40年的造林工程是防止沙漠化的一项重要举措,所以正确答案为D

3. B。细节题。根据第4段的内容可得知,中国建设绿色国家的其它举措有恢复草原,制定了严格的森林保护政策以及禁止商业伐木的措施,所以正确答案为B

4. A。推断题。根据最后两段的内容可得知,中国的高速森林增长率离不开人民大众的参与,与人们生活中的低碳行为密不可分,所以正确答案为A

III. 1. Over 2. without 3. besides 4. against



II. 1. D。细节题。根据第2段的内容可得知,西方人只有在他们生病的时候戴口罩,所以正确答案为D

2. C。细节题。根据第4段的内容可得知,1910年,中国医生伍连德在肺鼠疫爆发期发明了医用口罩,所以正确答案为C

3. A。推断题。根据第5段的内容可得知,年轻的亚洲女性会在没有化妆的时候选择戴口罩,而非为了掩盖的她们的妆容而戴口罩,所以正确答案为A

4. D。主旨概括题。根据第1topic paragraph的内容以及文章的两个小标题可知,文章讨论的是中西方不同的口罩文化,所以正确答案为D

III. 1. in public   2. makes me worried   3. protect yourself   4. is widely used



II. 1. A。细节题。根据第2段的内容可得知,Nowruz (波斯新年)是春分时节,那天昼夜一样长,标志着冬天的结束春天的到来,所以正确答案为A

2. C。细节题。根据第6段的内容可得知, Nowruz (波斯新年) 庆祝活动在第13天结束 ,所以正确答案为C

3. B。细节题。根据第4段的内容可得知,在Nowruz (波斯新年) 庆祝活动的最后一个周二,人们在篝火上跳来跳去,寓意给自己带来新年的好运,以正确答案为B

4. B。推断题。根据第3段第5段第6段的内容可知,人们会在Nowruz (波斯新年) 来临前打扫房子,过节的时候,街头会有表演,每家每户欢聚一堂,所以正确答案为B

III. 1. change into 2. play a key role 3. is full of 4. to celebrate

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