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初一教案 第693期



Driving heroes (P2)

I. Pre-reading

Do you think delivery drivers are heroes? Why?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. According to the story, who was on the cover of Time magazine?

A. A doctor.

B. A police officer.

C. A teacher.

D. A delivery driver.


2. What does Gao do every morning before delivering his orders?

a. Takes a health test.

b. Disinfects his motorcycle.

c. Disinfects his clothes.

d. Visits patients in a hospital.

A. abc    B. abd           C. acd          D. bcd


3. What might the elderly woman think of Gao?

A. He is a good cook.

B. He doesn’t like his job.

C. He brings her hope.

D. He will not be infected with the virus.


4. The story is mainly about _____.

A. delivery drivers’ work during the outbreak

B. why Gao is a special person

C. the present situation in terms of the outbreak

D. how to keep life going during the outbreak


III. Word in use


report    hero   spend    be able to

  1. The doctors and nurse are ________ in fighting the virus.
  2. She ______ more than one hour reading books every day.
  3. I am sure he                            sing this song in English soon.
  4. The BBC _______ on royal(王室的)stories yesterday.


IV. Post-reading

What do you want to say to Gao zhixiao?



Painting comes to life … (P3)

I. Pre-reading

Do you love painting?

Do you like going to painting exhibitions( 展览)?


II. While reading

1. The Virgin of the Rocks is the name of _____.

A. a painting

B. a mountain landscape

C. a lake

D. a poem


2. The mirrors can help people read Da Vinci’s writing because _____.

A. they shine light on the writing

B. they can make the letters bigger

C. they can show many pages at once

D. they can change the order of words


3. In which room can people see the painting under different lighting?

A. The first room.

B. The second room.

C. The third room.

D. The fourth room.


4. In the last room, people can _____.

A. see the real painting

B. learn the painting’s backstory

C. read about Da Vinci

D. see modern technology’s use in art


III. Word in use



   There___________ ten years ago.

2. 我的老师经常帮助我解决日常生活的困难。

   My teacher often________work out difficulties in my daily life.

3. 人们通常握手表示问候。

   People usually greet each other ______________.

4. 当我六岁的时候,我就迷上了读书。

   I fell in love with reading____________.


IV. Post-reading

Write down your opinions about Da Vinci's words: “Whoever avoids shadow avoids the glory of art.”


Using our isolation wisely (P4-5)

I. Pre-reading

Are you afraid of being alone?

Or do you enjoy it?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. Shakespeare was a(n) _____ before 1606.

A. king

B. writer

C. actor

D. painter


2. During his quarantine at home, Isaac Newton _____.

A. found a new way to use sunlight

B. wrote scientific papers

C. invented glass prisms

D. wrote three of his best plays


3. According to the story, who was infected during a plague?

A. William Shakespeare.

B. Isaac Newton.

C. Edvard Munch.

D. None of the above.


4. The story tells us that _____.

A. not all plagues are bad

B. everyone is afraid of being quarantined

C. staying home can make you feel sad

D. loneliness can encourage creativity


III. Word in use


1. She is ______(害怕) of upsetting her parents.

2. An earthquake ____(袭击)TexasAmerica last week.

3. It was a terrible______ ( 情况)at that time.

4. We are able to ______( 创造)wonders.


IV. Post-reading

What will you do to make your time being alone meaningful?





II. 1. D 细节题。根据第一段的内容“Time magazine recently reported on some of these drivers, praising (表扬) their “remarkable sense of commitment (非凡的使命感)”. Gao Zhixiao, one of the drivers, was put on the cover (封面) of the magazine. ” 可知,所以正确答案为D

2. A。细节题。根据第三段的内容“Each morning, Gao has to take a health test and spend 20 minutes disinfecting (消毒) his motorcycle and clothes. ” 可知,所以正确答案为A

3. C。细节推断题。根据倒数第二段的首句Many of these drivers also bring hope and confidence (信心) to people. 可知,那位老年女性认为高志晓为她带来希望,所以正确答案为C

4. A。主旨大意题。根据标题和文章中以高志晓为例的快递员故事可知正确答案为A


III. 1. heroes      2. spends    3. will be able to    4. reported



II. 1. A。细节题。根据第一段的内容“There was just one painting The Virgin of the Rocks (《岩间母子》).  可知,所以正确答案选A

2. D。细节推断题。根据第二段的内容“There were also some quotes (引语) from Da Vinci’s notebooks. They started at the right side of the page and moved to the left. But the mirrors could help people read them.” 能够推断出镜子可以使文字的顺序改变为从左到右,所以正确答案选D

3. C。细节题。根据第三段的内容“And the third room was also great. By using a rotating light wheel (旋转光椅), you could see the painting under different kinds of lighting.” 可知,所以正确答案选C

4. A。细节题。根据第四段的内容“In the last room, people could see the real painting.” 可知,所以正确答案选A


III. 1. was a school   2. helps me   3. by shaking hands.  4. when I was six  



II. 1. C。细节题。根据第二段的内容 “English playwright William Shakespeare (威廉 · 莎士比亚), an actor at that time, stopped acting. ” 可知,所以正确答案为C

2. B。细节题。根据第三段的内容可知,“During his quarantine at home, the young man wrote the papers that would later become early calculus (微积分). ” 牛顿写了后期演变为早期微积分的论文,即科学论文,所以正确答案为B

3. C。细节题。根据倒数第二段的内容“ Edvard Munch, painter of The Scream, was infected with the Spanish Flu in 1919.”可知, 同时根据常识,流感是一种瘟疫,所以正确答案为C

4. D。细节推断题。根据最后一段的内容“These people show us that being alone is not necessarily a bad thing. It could be used in a productive (富有成效的) way to create wonders (奇迹).” 可知,所以正确答案为D


III. 1. afraid       2. hit     3. situation       4. creat

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