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New law cautions stars (P2)

Choose the best answer:

1. We can infer from Wang Yueyang that he _____.

A. believes the stars in ad

B. trusts the star

C. wouldn’t buy anything in ad

D. Chooses for himself what to buy

2. With the new law, if a product turns out to be harmful, the star will _____.

A. have to pay for it

B. be put in prison

C. lose face

D. face fine

3. According to the new safety law, customers who are harmed will get compensation from_____.

A. the company which made the ad

B. the company which made the ad and the company which made the product.

C. the company which made the ad and the star

D. 315 Customers’ Association

4. What may be the effect of the new law?

A. Stars will not to be in ad

B. Customers who are harmed will get compensation.

C. Companies will think hard about which stars to use in ad

D. Products will be of higher quality.

UK soldiers to get harder heads (P2)


go through, helmet, develop, when,

invent, find, normal, how,

A new kind of gel is set to save the lives of British soldiers.

The Ministry of Defence has awarded£100,000 to a small company that has 5 the special gel.

The Ministry hopes that the gel will soon be fitted onto the inside of soldiers’ 6 . This could cut by half the impact of a bullet. It could stop it 7 the helmet.

The gel is called d3O. It becomes a solid 8 it is hit at high impact. After, the gel returns to 9 .

Richard Palmer, who 10 the gel, said normally the molecules in the gel move slowly. However, when they are hit at high impact they pack together. This is 11 they absorb the energy.

The d3O gel is already used in sporting goods. You can 12 it in ski gloves, ballet shoes and horse-riding equipment.

She took the blame for me (P5)

Choose the best answer:

1. The writer’s father was ______ when he saw the handwriting in chalk on the step.

A. very happy

B. very sad

C. very angry

D. very excited

2. Who wrote on the step?

A. the children in the family

B. the writer

C. the writer’s sister

D. the writer’s brother

3. The writer’s sister told a lie because_______.

A. she liked telling lies.

B. she was afraid of being punished.

C. she didn’t like her father.

D. she didn’t want her father to punish them all

4. On the basis of the passage, judge which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer kept telling lies.

B. Her sister told the truth.

C. The writer’s father punished the children.

D. None of the children told the truth.

St Patrick’d Day goes back a thousand years (P8)


1. St Patrick’s Day is the ___________ holiday of Ireland.

2. It is generally ___________ on March 17 in honor of Saint Patrick.

3. The holiday has a _________ of over 1,000 years.

4. On this day, many Irish people ___________________________________ in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon.

5. They usually ________ with their loved ones to share a meal of corned beef and cabbage.

6. There are millions more who “become Irish for a day” to enjoy the ________ of the holiday.


P2: B C B D D P4-5 C C

P8 1. best picture, best director, best editing 2. poor / homeless / honest/ smart 3. 20 4. He tries to prove his innocence by telling the story of his life in the slum. 5. the world of the poor and homeless 6. the title/ name of the film is offensive


P2: 1-4 B C C D 5. awarded, helmets, going through, when, normal, invented, how, find

P5: 1-4 C B D A

P8: 1. national 2. celebrated 3. history 4. attend 5. gather 6. fun

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