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2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷英语快评:新高考下的“新”意 试卷总体评价 2021年新高考全国Ⅰ卷英语卷,整体难度适中,试卷选材覆盖人与自然、人与社会、人与自我三大主题,全面考查英语语言综合能力。话题既立足生活, 如阅读A篇和语法填空介绍旅游攻略,七选五阅读讲述巴黎人日常生活,完形填空介绍第一次暑假打工经历;又聚焦科技与环保等热门话题, 如阅读C篇讨论保护水禽,D篇探究情商的社会意义。 备受关注的书面表达部分,第一节应用文写作,李华仍然“缺席”,要求考生对校英文报创刊十周年投稿,设置了贴近生活的真实交际情境,具有较强开放性。 第二节读后续写,作为新题型,没有“为难”考生,阅读过程中,故事情节易懂,主题明确;续写过程中,提示明显,逻辑清晰,考生“言之有物”。 试卷各部分分析 1.阅读理解 阅读理解部分整体难度适中,话题和题型较为常规,依然涵盖了“人与自我、人与社会、人与自然”三大主题,如A篇“罗马高性价比旅社推荐”,B篇“钢琴谱翻页员的故事”,C篇“水禽保护邮票和基金的历史”,D篇“对‘情绪智力’大众化的讨论”。在题型设置上,15道题里,细节题8道,推断题2道,主旨题3道,猜词1道,写作技巧题1道,整体仍以细节题为主。 七选五阅读选自一篇游记, 难度适中,描写了作者在巴黎旅居一周,体验当地生活的见闻。文章1-2段描写作者初到巴黎的生活,第5段描写巴黎人的生活习惯,段落内的设空线索较明显,题目难度不大。第3-4段主要描写巴黎人的饮食习惯,此处设空的第38、39题线索较为隐晦,其中第39题的线索暗含在第4段的最后一句——“But they cost $18!”。 2.完形填空 完形填空讲述了作者的第一次打工经历,以及从中引发其对劳动的思考。本文话题贴近生活,词汇难度不大,不少题目可以通过词语重现来找到线索,解题的关键在于对文章大意的全面掌握以及前后文细节的把握。 如第41题,挖空处要从sold售卖、ordered订购、made制作、reserved保留当中选择,前文提及作者在烘焙工厂工作,后文可知该工厂就是作者朋友父亲所担任经理的Hough Bakeries, 通读全文后可知作者在烘焙工厂的工作是制作兔子蛋糕。因此41题应选答案made。 对前后文细节的把握如第50题, 由前文的“Attach icing ears. Apply icing eyes and nose.”可知从放置蛋糕到取下只需短短两步,而后文的“the cakes pile up”表示蛋糕容易堆积,可知该工作容易出纰漏,并没有听起来那么简单;即使考生对pile up不熟悉,再关注后文的“high-pressure”也能得出相似结论。因此该题应选A选项harder。 3.语法填空 语法填空难度中等,文章体裁为说明文,围绕安徽黄山的极致美景展开。考生在答题时需注意区分名词性从句与定语从句的连词使用,谓语动词的时态、语态、主谓一致三大特性,及非谓语动词作定语与作宾补的不同形式和意义。 如56题考查主语从句,从句缺少主语,指代事物,意为“什么”,确定答案为“What”; 60题的提示词astonish为及物动词,此空作宾补,补充说明us,意为“感到吃惊的”,确定答案为“astonished”;63题的提示词ache为不及物动词,此空作定语修饰legs,意为“疼痛的”,确定答案为“aching”。 4.书面表达 本次应用文写作以命题作文的形式——给创刊十周年的校英文报投稿,设置了一个真实且灵活的写作情境,综合考查考生的语言应用能力。题干与要点描述清晰,审题难度较低。 内容方面,一改以往给校刊栏目或话题投稿的模式,考生需要分享本人读报的经历,其中“喜爱的栏目”这一要点的展开,应结合标题中的“Youth”这一关键词 ;语言方面,应注意“短文投稿”这一情景设定,使用正式、书面的语言,遣词造句体现丰富性。 读后续写难度适中,讲述了一对双胞胎在母亲节为母亲准备惊喜早餐的故事,属于考生较熟悉的温情类话题。在语言运用上,原文大量使用了生动的动词,考生应注意在续写中与原文风格保持一致。此外,值得注意的是,原文中并没有对话描写,因此考生在写作中需避免过多的对话使用。 应用文参考范文: Youth and Me Since the English newspaper is celebrating its tenth anniversary, it occurs to me that there was a time when I had trouble with my high school English study. Fortunately, many effective learning methods I found on the newspaper helped me get through the difficulties. Besides offering learning strategies, the newspaper also creates an opportunity for us students to express our feelings about lives and study, especially in Students’ Voice, my favorite column. Hope it can provide more quality content and wish it could reach a greater achievement in the future. 读后续写参考范文: As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. Seeing the mess, he looked confused, not knowing what the twins were up to. Jeff was afraid that father would scold them and blushed in silence while Jenna explained their plan. Checking on Jeff’s hand, he smiled and gently comforted the twins, offering a helpful hand. Back on their feet, the twins started from the beginning following their father’s tips. When they managed to get things done, it was 7 a.m., the time their mother usually got up to make them breakfast. The twins carriedthebreakfast upstairs and woke their mother up. At the sight of the golden toast and the steaming hot porridge, mother was too surprised to hold back her tears of joy. “Happy Mother’s Day!” the twins yelled as they ran into their mother’s open arms. She patted on their back and took a bite of the toast. It was the most delicious toast she had ever tasted. The jealous father standing by asked to join in the hug. They all laughed and enjoyed the wonderful Mother’s Day together. (162 words) 关键词:新高考 英语 |
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