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高三教案 第633期

本期配套教案共2页:  1  2
Celebrate differences (P1)
邯郸市第一中学 许蕾蕾
I. Lead-in
Jamaican singer  Bob Marley once sang a song entitled So much trouble in the world. 
Ø What do you think could be the reasons for the large number of problems in the world?
Ø What do you think could be done to reduce problems in the world?
II. Skimming
Read the article quickly and answer the questions.
1. What is the article mainly about?
The meaning and importance of tolerance.
2. Why are there so many problems in the world, in Bob Marley's view?
Part of the reason is the lack of tolerance between people.  
3. Why should we be tolerant, according to Voltaire?
Because we humans are not perfect and this weakness is something that we all share.  
III. Scanning
Read the article carefully and Choose the best answer.
1. According to Voltaire, tolerance is ____.
A. being willing to express your love to others
B. trying to overcome your imperfections
C. giving a hand to vulnerable groups
D. accepting each other’s weaknesses
2. Why are people usually unaware of their intolerance, 
according to the article?
A. They are used to finding faults.
B. They consider tolerance a kind of frailty.
C. They don’t see things from the angle of others.
D. They are intolerant of themselves too.
3. What can be concluded from the fifth paragraph?
A. Sometimes the word “tolerance” could actually be considered offensive.
B. The things we tolerate are always characterized by “wrongness”.
C. Agreeing to tolerate someone always shows our respect for them.
D. Being tolerant helps people see their own imperfections.
4. The underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refers to _____.
A. giving things to others    
B. forgiving others
C. different attitudes toward love and hate
D. the fact that humans are imperfect 
IV. Language focus-----words
1. According to him, tolerance “is the consequence of humanity. 
tolerance n. 宽容,容忍
同根词:tolerant adj. 忍耐的,宽容的
be tolerant of/toward sb/sth
tolerate vt. 容忍,忍受
You need to be more tolerant of your neighbors.
We need to show greater tolerance toward each other. 我们需要彼此更宽容。
2. But often, the behavior of men toward women is intolerant because men don’t put themselves in the shoes of women. 
Can you guess the meaning of the phrase?
put oneself in the shoes of … 设身处地,为……着想
We should learn to put ourselves in the shoes of 
people in need.
3. It’s a little like generosity.
generosity   n. 慷慨,大方
同根词:generous adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的
He was known for his generosity to his colleagues.
He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge. 
4. Or, as this older piece of wisdom says: “Write your love on a rock so it stays for eternity; write your hate in the sand so the waves will wash it away.”
Wisdom is the ability to use your experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions or judgments   n. 智慧,才智
同根词:wise adj. 英明的,明智的
Experience is the mother of wisdom. 
IV. Language focus----words & phrases
generosity      tolerance    celebrate   philosopher    respectful  
•the trait of being willing to give your money or time
•do something enjoyable because of a special occasion or to mark someone's success.
•a wise person who is calm and rational; 
• showing respect to someone.
• the quality of allowing other people to say and do what they like, even if you do not agree with or approve of them or their actions
Key: generosity celebrate philosopher respectful  tolerance 
Find these expressions in the article, and figure out their meanings according to the context of each one.
1.lack of tolerance
2.the consequence of sth.
3.be tempted to do… 
4. This is because… 
5.It’s worth doing… 
6.agree to
7.put oneself in the shoes of sb
Try to make sentences with the expressions, and share them with your partners.
V. Post-reading   
Further thinking:
Do you agree with “Differences make a difference in the world”? Why or why not?
Day to appreciate what we have (PIII)
Integrated reading and writing
江苏省南菁高级中学高中英语“读写结合”课题组   秦虞
Warming up
Show different food pictures to arouse students’ interest in the topic.  
Reading task 1 --- Check answers.
Check the answers to the questions in the “Before class” section.
Q1. Why is food so important to human beings?
Because alongside air and water, food is a necessity for human beings to survive and thrive. And it’s even a lot more than that. Nowadays, for most people in the world’s wealthiest countries, food is a hobby, an enthusiasm, and even something fashionable. 
Q2. When is World Food Day and what is its purpose?
World Food Day, started in 1979, is held each year by the United Nations on Oct 16. It is celebrated to remind people not to waste food and to fight hunger.
Q3. . Fill in the blanks based on the article.
1. _________of foodFood is a 2. _________ for human beings to survive and thrive. Someone said that the most intimate 3. _________ we will ever have is between our bodies and our food.
For most people in the wealthiest countriesFood is a 4. ______, an enthusiasm, and even something fashionable.
For people in  5. ________More food is needed for their   6. _______ as people there are starving. Some of them are even dying because of terrible 7. _______. 
For families on low incomes in developed nationsThey are forced to use 8. _________.
Improper attitudeA lot of people take food 9. _________.
Proper attitudeWe should feel humble and 10. _________ what we have.
Key: 1. Importance 2. necessity 3. relationship 4. hobby     
      5. Kenya       6. survival7. droughts 8. food banks 
      9. for granted10. appreciate
Reading task 2 --- Structure
Reading task 3 --- Writing skills
Critical thinking
According to a survey, every year, on average, one person throws out 50 kg of food which is still edible, a third of which is packaged products. What do you think we could do to reduce food waste?
1) Do not order too much in a restaurant. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.
2) Don’t be too picky about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.
3) Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially vegetables and fruit.
Writing task --- overview
Writing task --- structure 
Writing task --- sample  
本期配套教案共2页:  1  2

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