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初三战疫合刊P49 新闻测试题教案



Insects are waking up (P35)



Can you list some of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar? Do you know what  they meant in ancient China?


While reading

Complete the following tasks:

1. When is jingzhe this year?


2. What does jingzhe mean in English?


3. Why is jingzhe important to Chinese farmers?


4. What are the traditions for jingzhe?

1). ________________________

2). ________________________

5. Please translate the following sentence into Chinese.

Spring is considered to be the most precious time of the year for agriculture.


Words in use


1. 从灵魂层面你可能是在增强他们的软弱而不是在唤醒他们真正的内在力量

From the soul level, you may be reinforcing their weakness instead of ________ their true inner power.

2. 它们与香脆薯条和新鲜色拉一起出售

They come with _______ fries and green salad.

3. 好的笔记能够帮你记录下你的想法

Good notes help you __________ your thoughts.


Post reading

Have a think:

What are the functions of the 24 solar terms in ancient and modern China?



Translation troubles (P36)



What do you want to be when you grow up?

Would you like to be a translator?

Why or why not?


While reading

Answer the questions:

1. What is the purpose of mentioning “crottin de chevre”?


2. What improvements have been made in translation technology?


3. According to Cooper, a human translator is better at ___________________.

4. What does the BBC report tell us?


5. According to the story, how can learning a foreign language benefit people?



Words in use


1. She is unwilling to discuss the ____ (内容) of the movie .

2. The manager listened to the workers’______ (需求) for more money.

3. The swimming pool is ______ (可用) only in summer.


Post reading

What does this sentence mean? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

Machine translation will displace only those humans who translate like machines.

-Arle Richard Lommel



Birth of the web (P38)



Do you go online often?

Do you think the words “internet” and “web” have the same meaning?


While reading

1. What do we know about the internet?

A. It came out later than the web.

B. It was invented by Berners-Lee in the 1970s.

C. It includes packets of information.

D. It delivers information between computers.


2. Berners-Lee invented websites to deal with the fact that _____.

A. cables couldn't be used to connect computers

B. he couldn't talk to others on his computer

C. the information he needed was not all in one system

D. common people didn't know computer language


3. Which one came out most recently?

A. Internet.  B. Websites.  C. Email.    D. Hypertext.


4. What is this story mainly about?

A. The development of the World Wide Web.

B. How to use the internet.

C. Basic computer knowledge.

D. The invention of the internet


Words in use


       invent      develop     use        build

1. One of the modern world’s most important _______ was created in March 1989.

2. The internet __________ in the early 1970s by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn.

3. But without the web, none of it was as _____ as it is now.

4. Two years later, in 1991, the world’s first website _______ at CERN.

Post reading

How can we make the best use of the internet?




P35: Insects are waking up

1. On March 5.

文章开篇的问答指出今年的惊蛰在三月五号故答案为On March 5。

2. It means “awakening of the insects.”


3. Because it marks the start of spring plowing.

从文章第三段第一句Chinese farmers place great importance on jingzhe, since it marks the start of spring plowing one of the busiest times for farmers. 可以得知农民们将惊蛰视为春耕开始的节令因此惊蛰节气有着相当重要的意义

4. 1). Farmers till the soil and prepare for growing crops. 2). People eat pears in various ways.


5. 对农业来说春天被视作一年中最宝贵的时节

be considered to be为被动语态意为被认为是…… ,precious 为形容词意为宝贵的珍贵的,agriculture为名词意为农业


Words in use:

1. awakening

2. crisp

3. keep track of


P36:Translation troubles

While reading

1. To show that there can be mistranslations when you use translation apps.


2. There have been big improvements in accuracy.


3. making translations sound natural and capturing someone’s sentiment


4. Foreign language skills are still in high demand in the labor market.


5. It can help them find jobs and learn about the culture of other countries.



Words in use:

1. content

2. demands

3. available


P38Birth of the web

While reading

1.D。细节理解题第二段第四句It is basically a huge network made up of smaller networks of computers that deliver (发送) packets of information to other computers. 它是由电脑小网络构建成大的网络来向其它电脑发送大量信息的故选D

2.C推理题根据第五段Berners-Lee got very frustrated (沮丧的) at CERN because all of the scientists had different kinds of computers. You could connect the computers with cables (电缆), but they couldn’t “speak” to each other. 由于电脑系统不同导致不能互相传送信息所以需要网络来解决因此选C

3. B细节理解题根据文章最后一句in 1991, the world’s first website was built at CERN得到答案

4. A此题为文章概述题通过对整篇文章的阅读可知本文按时间顺序讲述了互联网的发展


Words in use

1. inventions

2. was developed

3. useful

4. was built

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