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本期配套教案共6页:  1  2  3  4  5  6



Online classes begin (P4)

I. Pre-reading

Do you want to study at home instead of going to school?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. The writer used Huang Yahui’s story to _____.

A. show how she studies Chinese, math and English

B. give an example of Chinese students studying online

C. tell students how to start online classes at home

D. tell other Chinese students to learn computer skills


2. Why did many Chinese schools put off the start of the semester?

A. Because schools want to start online classes.

B. Because students wish to learn by themselves online.

C. Because online classes cost schools less.

D. Because it is a way to help control the virus.


3. What do we know about online classes from the story?

A. Students can learn many new things.

B. Students do not need to do eye exercises.

C. Students still need to take part in class meetings.

D. Online classes last longer than classes in school.


III. Word in use


1. 你可以帮我把电视机打开吗?
Can you help me ________ the TV ?

2. 她努力控制着自己不要哭。
She tried hard to _______ herself and not cry.

3. 我们的老板经常把会议推迟,因为他经常迟到!
Our boss usually ________ the meetings because he is always late!

4. 你介意在家上网课吗?

Would you mind _______________at home?


IV. Post-reading

Write a curriculum(课程表) for yourself to study at home.

Do you think it is good or bad for students to study at home? Why or why not? Tell us 1-3 reasons.

Lots of rest is the best (P8)

I. Pre-reading

Do you have any sleeping problems?

What causes(导致)you to lose asleep?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. According to the story, sleep can help people _____.

A. feel less stressed out

B. learn better habits

C. remember to do tasks

D. play with their smartphones less


2. What do we know from Paragraph 3?

A. More than half of adults have sound sleep.

B. Many Chinese people have sleep problems.

C. Losing one or two hours of sleep is not a big problem.

D. We should try to sleep as much as possible. 


3. A 16-year-old boy should sleep _____ a day.

A. 7 hours

B. 8 hours

C. 9 hours

D. 10 hours


4. How did People’s Daily describe Zhong?

a. A professional doctor.

b. A clever traveler.

c. A professional scholar.

d. A brave soldier.

A. abc     B. bcd    C. acd     D. abd


III. Word in use


1. 史密斯先生有着睡前喝牛奶的习惯。

    Mr Smith has _____________drinking milk before going to bed.

2. 别总依赖别人,自己尝试一下!

    Don't always __________ others. Try things yourself!

3. 她太忙了,总睡得不够。

    She is too busy and couldn't _______________.

4. 我妈妈买了至少三条裙子。

    My mother bought _________three dresses.


IV. Post-reading

Can you name two ways to improve your sleep?


Life in the time of outbreak (P14-15)

I. Pre-reading

Did you have gatherings(聚会)during this year's Spring Festival?

What did you and your family do?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. How this year’s winter holiday was different.

B. What people did during Spring Festival.

C. New services that began during the winter holiday.

D. Why family reunions were held this year.


2. According to Paragraph 2, what are people doing during this time?

A. They take medicine at home.

B. They follow rules and protect themselves.

C. They go to work in hospitals.

D. They buy as many masks as they can.


3. The last three paragraphs show _____.

A. examples of what teens are doing during this time

B. how doctors help their coworkers

C. how to buy masks abroad

D. why people need to behave themselves


III. Word in use


1. My brother felt bored at home and wanted to __________(闲逛)outside.

2. The doctor  _________(号召)everybody to give a hand during the outbreak.

3. The little girl always_______(生病)because she's so weak.

4. Let's_________(使...高兴)that old woman!


IV. Post-reading

What have you been doing at home while you're unable to go to school?

Tell us about something your parents or friends are doing at home during the epidemic.




II. 1. B。推断题。根据第3段的内容可得知,为了控制新型冠状肺炎的扩散,教育部下文学校的开学时间将会延迟,黄雅慧同学只是众多在家上网课学生中的一个缩影。所以正确答案为B

2. D。细节题。根据第3段的内容可得知,为了控制新型冠状肺炎的扩散,教育部下文学校的开学时间将会延迟,所以正确答案为D

3. C。细节题。根据第4,5段的内容可得知学生在家上网课的内容为复习旧知识,自习,传染病预防,眼保健操和班会。所以正确答案为C


III. 1. turn on       2. control    3. puts off     4. taking/having online classes



II. 1. A。细节题。根据第一段的内容可知“Sleep is important because it gives our bodies time to recover from the stress of living.” ,所以正确答案为A

2. B。主旨大意。根据第三段的内容可知,中国有很多人面临睡眠问题,所以正确答案为 B

3. C。细节题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知“ The Sleep Foundation says that teenagers need 8.5 to 9 hours a day” ,所以正确答案为C

III. 1. the habit of        2. depend on    3. get enough sleep     4. at least



II. 1. A。段落主旨大意题。从第1段的内容可得知,今年由于爆发了新型冠状肺炎,所以在新年里,人们的生活发生了一系列的变化。所以正确答案为A

2. B。细节题。从第2段的内容可得知人们的生活产生了哪些变化:待在家,遵循医嘱和遵守新规定,所以正确答案为B

3. A。细节推理题。从三个青少年的自我讲述可知,他们只是千万个宅在家的青少年的缩影。所以正确答案为A


III. 1. hang out     2. called on         3. gets sick      4. cheer up  

本期配套教案共6页:  1  2  3  4  5  6

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