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Reach out to friends … (P33)

I. Pre-reading

1. How do you reach out to friends and family during the outbreak?

2. What do you usually talk about?


II. While reading

1. According to the story, where is the writer now?

2. Why does the writer worry about his friends and family?

3. What is the writer’s advice to his friends?

4. From the last paragraph, the writer feels good when he knows                      .

5. What do we know about the writer’s mother?

A. She is working in a sewing club.

B. She has found new friendships online.

C. She likes staying at home.

D. She is good at sewing.


III. Word in use


1. 他昨天问我建议,但我真的不知道说什么。

    He______________ yesterday, but I didn't know what to say.

2. 我妹妹每天晚餐前都会洗手。

   My sister_____________ before dinner every day.

3. 当我考试考不好的时候,我父母总担心我。

My parents________________me when I don't do well on my exams.

4. 当别人求救的时候,请提供帮助。

   Please______________ when others need it.


IV. Post-reading

Write a dialogue from the writer's point of view between him and his family.


Virtual markets (P34-35)

I. Pre-reading

Can you guess what these girls are doing?

They're selling clothes online.


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. Why does Xiao Wei shop online?

A. Because fruit and vegetables bought online are fresh.

B. Because she has been infected.

C. Because shopping online is easy and safe.

D. Because she cannot go to the supermarket.


2. What do we know about grocery e-commerce?

A. It is getting more popular.

B. It started during the outbreak.

C. It is less popular than before.

D. It will not be popular after the outbreak.


3. According to the story, how might users feel when they are watching livestreams?

A. Bored.

B. Amazed.

C. Scared.

D. Relaxed.


4. From the last paragraph, we can learn that _____.

A. livestreaming is the only way to deal with the outbreak

B. livestreaming can help sellers upgrade their sales model

C. livestreaming has been used to sell products for a long time

D. shop owners don’t like livestreaming


III. Word in use


1. During weekend, livestreaming sales ________(总共是) 1.2 million yuan.

2. My mother goes to different seafood _______(市场) to buy fresh fish to cook.

3. He _________ his clothes after work.

4. Jay Zhou was very ___________(受欢迎的)10 years ago.


IV. Post-reading

If you had to sell products via livestreaming, what would you choose to sell and why?


NBA superstar passes (P38)

I. Pre-reading

1. How much do you know about Kobe Byran?

2. Guess what these numbers mean to him?


II. While reading

Choose the answer:

1. How many people died in the helicopter crash on Jan 26?

A. Seven.

B. Eight.

C. Nine.

D. Ten.


2. What do we know about Kobe Bryant,

according to this story?

A. He started to play basketball at university.

B. He was one of the best players in the NBA.

C. He had a black snake named Mamba.

D. He was aggressive in his daily life.


3. For Bryant, “Mamba Mentality” means that _____.

A. we can get better results by working hard

B. we should work hard without worries

C. we should learn from snakes

D. we should always be the best


4. The story is written to _____.

A. remember Bryant

B. explain Bryant’s dreams

C. explain the “Mamba Mentality”

D. show why people were sorry to hear about Bryant’s death


III. Word in use


influence       shocked          loyal          crash      


1. The driver was answering the phone while driving, so his car ______ into a river.

2. My mother was totally_______ when she saw I could handstand on the wall.

3. Smoking has bad________ on children.

4. He worked for the company for 15 years and he is a really ______ worker.


IV. Post-reading

What do you think of Kobe Byrant's philosophy, “Mamba Mentality” ? 




II. 1. He is in China.

2. Because the novel coronavirus is spreading in the US.

3. Stay home and wash hands.

4. people are helping each other out

5. B. 细节推断题。根据第四段的内容可知,“My mother, for example, has joined an online sewing club to keep her busy while she stays at home. She and other women are sharing their sewing creations and giving each other support” ,所以作者妈妈在网上交了新朋友,一起讨论缝纫活。


III. 1. asked me for advice   2. washed her hands   3. were worried about

   4. reach out to help  



II. 1. C。细节题。根据小标题Buy fresh food online第一段的内容 “It is convenient and I’m less likely to be infected” 可知,所以正确答案为C

2. A。细节推断题。根据根据小标题Buy fresh food online第一段的内容可知,“Fresh grocery e-commerce in China has seen quick growth during the outbreak” ,大幅度的增加表示越来越守民众欢迎了,所以正确答案为A

3. D。细节题。根据小标题Selling via livestreaming第三段的内容“ I like watching people eating and selling snacks,’ a

Taobao user told Sina.com. ‘When I feel bored at home, I watch the streams and buy snacks. It makes me feel relaxed and happy.’ ”可知,所以正确答案为D

4. B。细节推断题。根据小标题Selling via livestreaming最后一段的内容“‘Livestreaming e-commerce is not only a way for malls to deal with emergencies, but also a way to upgrade their sales model,’ Jiang said.” 可知,所以正确答案为B


III. 1. totaled       2. markets     3. changed       4. popular



II. 1. C。细节理解题。根据文意可知我们可以在事故中丧生还有另外7人,加上科比两父女,一共是9

2. B。细节推断题。根据表格的内容可知科比一生篮球竞技战绩赫赫,故正确答案为 B

3. B。细节推断题。根据第4段的内容,“Mamba mentality is youre going, youre competing, youre not worried about the end result, 曼巴精神是你一直向前,不惧竞争,不在意结果。故正确答案为 B

4. A。推断题。根据“We’ll never see the Black Mamba play another game.  But we’ll always remember how great he was. ”可知作者认为曼巴不仅只是一名篮球手,他还给予了人们很多鼓励与指引,故此写文章去纪念科比。答案为A


III. 1. turned out    2. in order to        3. took some time  

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