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TEENS 2016-2017学年度第1期
教案课件听力资源同步练习答案解析答疑解惑教研聚焦 Monday Oct. 6, 2014
Rise of the TFboys
Ice Age is back
[初一] Scared on your first day (P4-5)
[初二] Animals given a voice(P8)
[初三] A new kind of hero(P2)
Winning for last time
[高一] Nature shows culture(S1-P1)
[高二] New bus makes first test run (S2-P2)
[高三] Get ready for new heroes (S3-P4-5)
编读互动 TOP

4-5版:Tasty world 《美味世界》
6版:Fun puzzle 《欢乐猜猜猜》
8版:Manga express 《动漫速递》


★ 时尚设计
★ 热词放送
★ 图书连载
★ 时文精读
★ 泛听不停
★ 娱乐专版

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直击中高考 TOP


栏目介绍: 中考 高考
拓展阅读 TOP


课本链接 TOP
[高一] Friendship:Book 1 unit 1
Magic of family love (S1-P3)
Lifestyles:Book 1 unit 1

Brazil’s best bits (S1-P4)

My first day at Senior High:Book 1 Module 1
Excited for new year (S1-P6)
[高二] British & American English: Book 5 Module 1

Speaking to Americans(S2-P4)

People:Book 5 Unit 13
Enjoy Warhol’s work (S2-P4-5)
美国波普艺术大师安迪 沃霍尔的创作世界
Great Scientists:Book 5 Unit 1
Get to know China stars (S2-P5)
[高三] Breaking Records:Book 9 Unit 1
Not always impressed by broken records (S3-P4-5)
Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion:Book 9 Module 1
Celebrating Shaw’s wit (S3-P4)
教研活动 TOP


本届年会由中国日报社主办,二十一世纪英语教育传媒、湖北省武昌实验中学承办,美国世界英语教师协会(TESOL International Association)、湖北省教育科学研究院基础教育研究所、北京市教育学会学科英语教育研究分会、全国英语阅读教学研究协作体提供特别支持。

教案课件 TOP
[初一] [教案] 第549期 [课件] 第549期
[初二] [教案] 549 [课件] 549
[初三] [教案] 第497期 [课件] 第497期
more>> more>>
[高一] [教案] 第643期 [课件] 第643期
[高二] [教案] 第643期 [课件] 第643期
[高三] [教案] 第591期 [课件] 第591期
more>> more>>
听力资源 TOP
[初一] Being left-handed is now more popular(P4)
[初二] Whether to floss or not(P6)
[初三] More than a pretty face(P8)
[高一] Excited for new year(S1-P6)

What Mom gave me (S2-P6)

[高三] Prepare to succeed (S3-P6)
同步练习 TOP
[初一] 初一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初二] 初二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初三] 初三七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高一] 高一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高二] 高二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高三] 高三七版 Quiz Time 练习
答疑解惑 TOP
本期Quiz time 答案与解析 TOP
初一 初二 初三
Page I

Task 1: 1-6 FBACDE
Task 2: 1. 7:00 am 2. e-mails 3. Internet
4. breakfast, newspaper 5. 11:00 am 6. Drink coffee
Task 1
1. Mary is cycling with her best friend Amy.
2. It’s great to have a picnic in the park, isn’t it?
3. Tony is ill so he has to lie in bed.
4. Jane is making a cake for his dad.
5. Our new teacher is a middle-aged woman.
6. Nobody knows which team will win the soccer game.

Task 2
I love working in the music business. It's so interesting and every day is different.
I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. The first thing I do every day is I check my e-mail messages. Many fans write e-mails to me and I like reading them. I reply to some of my fans and then I start to surf around on some music websites from 9 am.
Then I leave the house and go to a small French cafe for breakfast at 10 am. London is a very busy city and I enjoy relaxing with my cup of coffee. I watch the world go by while I read my newspaper. I usually only eat a small piece of cake with my coffee. I never feel hungry in the morning.
At about eleven o’clock, my car arrives and takes me to the company. I meet the other members of the band. We drink a cup of coffee together and talk about the ideas we have for our new song.

Page II 1. F 2. G 3. E 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D 
Page III

Task 2: BDC
Task 3: 51432

Page IV
Day 1: CAD
Day 2: CBD
Day 3: CDAD
Day 4: BCDB
Day 5: lessons, likes, sports, English, math, watch, listens, homework, weekends, helps
Page I

Task 1: 1-5 ABACC 6-10 BACBB
Task 2: CACB
Task 1:
1. I often study with friends for a test.
2. I like this scarf. It feels so soft.
3. My secret of learning English is speaking often.
4. Tom feels so excited every time he goes for P.E. class.
5. Come on! We must find an answer to this question.
6. I finally find out how near the exam is.
7. Frank is so afraid of butterflies.
8. Have you ever studied with a group?
9. Listening to English songs is helpful to English learning.
10. I like reading books in my spare time.
Task 2:
Mr Baker was a shop owner. One evening, he closed his shop and went home. He was very tired after a day’s work. While he was going to bed, the telephone rang. A young man asked: “What time do you open your shop?” Mr Baker wasn’t happy about this telephone call. So he put down his phone without answering and went to bed. A few minutes later, the telephone rang again and the young man asked the same question. Mr Baker was very angry this time and shouted: “You needn’t ask me when I will open the shop, for I won’t let you in.” “Oh, I don’t want to get in,” the young man said. “I want to get out.”

Page III Task 2: 1. place/plaice 2. meet/meat 3. son/sun
4. pole/poll 5. cheater/cheetah 6. genes/jeans
Task 3: FTTFT
Page IV

Day 1: BABDD
Day 2: BCBC
Day 3: CDBB
Day 4: BCDD
Day 5: 1-5 CACAD 6-10 BDCBD


Page I

Task 1: BCACB
Task 2: CABB
Task 1:
1. M: Are you thirsty, Lucy?
W: No, I have a sore throat.
2. M: Mom, how long are we staying in Wuhan?
W: From Monday to Friday.
3. W: Jeff, what do you usually do on weekends?
M: I usually play soccer on weekends.
4. W: Hi, Lily and Steven are going to climb the mountains this weekend. I’m going fishing with my father. What about you, Michael?
M: No, I’m going to the beach with my family.
5. W: Here. Have some ice cream, Jack.
M: Oh, I love ice cream, but I can’t eat any cold food. I have a really bad toothache.

Task 2:
Tom worked in a factory, and at the end of last month he got his money in a paper bag. He opened the bag and found it was wrong. He got 50 more dollars. He put the money carefully in his pocket and said nothing to others. A month later, he got his money again. He found it was wrong again this time. There was not enough money in his paper bag. Then he went to see the manager.
“That’s right,” said the manager after Tom told his story. “I made a mistake last month. For one mistake, I can close my eyes. But for two, I can’t. Thank you, Tom. I’ve known you already. I have to choose another man instead of you. I think you should know what to do in the future.”

Page III Task 1: 1. e; 2. d; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a
Task 2: 1. cliffs; 2. alike; 3. haunted; 4. seagulls; 5. amusing
Task 3: 1. T;
2. F – Name jokes can be very funny, especially when they are invented names;
3. T;
4. F – Some people with these names are tired of people laughing at them;
5. F – No, people with names that could be funny may not be so amused.
Page IV Day 1: CDCB
Day 2: BBA
Day 3: BAAD
Day 4: DCAB
Day 5: 1-5 CADBA 6-10 BDACD
高一 高二 高三
[Day 1] 1-3 ADC
[Day 2] 1-4 DADB
[Day 3] 1-3 DBB
[Day 4] 1. Playfulness 2. key/important 3. willing 4. moment/present 5. easy 6. traditional 7. air 8. lead 9. see 10. compete
[Day 5]

1-3 ACD

[Day 1]

1-4 BDCA

[Day 2] 1-4 BABD
[Day 3] 1-4 CDDB
[Day 4] 1-4 DCBD
[Day 5]

1-4 DACC

[Day 1] 1-4 BBDB
[Day 2] 1-4 DCCC
[Day 3] 1-4 CCDC
[Day 4] 1-4 CBCAD
[Day 5] 1-4 ACAD
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