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TEENS 2016-2017学年度第7期
教案课件听力资源同步练习答案解析答疑解惑教研聚焦 Monday Oct. 6, 2014
Rise of the TFboys
Visiting Maruko in Japan
[初一] Student’s photo studio(P3)
[初二] Dark side to children’s books(P4)
[初三] Telling the real story(P4-5)
Showing off weirdness
[高一] Towering above others(S1-P1)
[高二] Animals join Crusoe (S2-P1)
[高三] Celebrating black America (S3 P4-5)
编读互动 TOP

4-5版:Tasty world 《美味世界》
6版:Fun puzzle 《欢乐猜猜猜》
8版:Manga express 《动漫速递》


★ 时尚设计
★ 热词放送
★ 图书连载
★ 时文精读
★ 泛听不停
★ 娱乐专版


欢迎大家积极参与讨论辩论栏目,有任何事宜,请联系编辑孙悦,邮箱: sunyue@i21st.cn


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直击中高考 TOP


栏目介绍: 中考 高考
拓展阅读 TOP


课本链接 TOP
[高一] The internet and telecommunications:Book 1 Module 6
Classes use social media(S1-P3)
Cultural relics:Book 2 unit 1

Forbidden City opens up two new areas(S1-P4)

Design:Book 2 unit 6

Bracelet designs made into beautiful reality(S1-P3)

[高二] Beauty:Book 6 Unit 18

Experts say Korean skin care has good and had points (S2-P4-P5)

Art:Book 6 Unit 1

Stolen Van Gogh paintings recovered (S2-P4-P5)

[高三] Why do we need dictionaries:Book 9 Module 6
Dictionary adds new words (S3-P4)
教研活动 TOP

TEFL是世界广泛采用的针对母语为非英语人士的英语教学体系,涵盖从理论到实践,从基础教学到专门英语教学的各个方面。TEFL课程是为英语老师特别设计的师资训练及指导课程。学员成功通过TEFL课程的学习,即可获得TEFL证书。证书全球通用,获得证书者除了可以作为增加继续教育学分的凭证之外,更有资格在世界各地从事针对母语非英语学生的英语教学工作。中国日报社已经连续成功举办了五届TEFL课程研修班,并为澳门濠江中学、首都师范大学附属实验学校、北京市京源学校、北京新英才学校、北京王府学校、北京农业职业学院、青岛科技大学、上海市工商外国语学校、上海市虹口高级中学、广州市香江中学、天津外国语大学附属滨海外国语学校、大连市中山区教师进修学校、长沙市第一中学、广州英孚英语培训机构、沈阳金桥教育 等公立学校、大型英语培训机构输送和培训数百名英语教师。培训后学员们无论对TEFL师资、TEFL的课程设置还是实用效果等都高度赞扬,并在日后的教学中把所学的最新教学方法和理念应用实际教学中。


教案课件 TOP
[初一] [教案] 第554期 [课件] 第554期
[初二] [教案] 554 [课件] 554
[初三] [教案] 第502期 [课件] 第502期
more>> more>>
[高一] [教案] 第648期 [课件] 第648期
[高二] [教案] 第648期 [课件] 第648期
[高三] [教案] 第596期 [课件] 第596期
more>> more>>
听力资源 TOP
[初一] Australian outback(P4)
[初二] Telling Europe’s story(P8)
[初三] Chan’s dream to help(P2)
[高一] Kids grow up fast(S1-P6)

Happy to check up (S2-P6)

[高三] Feeding those in need (S3-P6)
同步练习 TOP
[初一] 初一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初二] 初二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[初三] 初三七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高一] 高一七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高二] 高二七版 Quiz Time 练习
[高三] 高三七版 Quiz Time 练习
答疑解惑 TOP
本期Quiz time 答案与解析 TOP
初一 初二 初三
Page I

Task 1: EABCD
Task 2: TFFFT
Task 1
1. Winter is my favorite season. I like to make a snowman with my friends.
2. After Cindy finished her homework, she watched TV for half an hour.
3. It’ll be snowy tomorrow, so I should wear my coat to school.
4. I’m thirsty. Can I have some green tea, please?
5. Look! The boys are playing football. I think this team is going to win!
Task 2
Mike is from Canada. Now he works as a waiter in New York City. Every August he has one week off for summer holiday. Last summer, he decided to take a trip to San Francisco in the United States. He didn’t want to go by plane. He really wanted to see more scenery of the United States, so he decided to take the train from New York City to San Francisco.
The train left the station in New York City at 10:30 pm on Monday. Mike tried to sleep that night, but he couldn’t, because he was too excited. He expected to see the scenery the next day. He thought his trip would be wonderful.

Page II 1.Her students in spring planted vegetable seeds in the garden. Her students in fall can eat the vegetables!
2.Because they can pick and look at all the beautiful vegetables and the flowers in the garden.
3.③①②④  
Page III

Task 1: 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. e
Task 2: 1. out 2. even 3. best 4. comfortable
Task 3: 1. B 2. D 3. B

Page IV

Day 1. 1. F. Lots of people rode bikes 30 years ago.
2. F. Mobike is a new app.
3. T.
4. F. You don’t have to return the bike to a station.
5. F. You can park a bike anywhere.
6. T.
Day 2: CDBB
Day 3: BCCA
Day 4: DACC
Day 5: 1. history 2. birth 3. On 4. picnic 5. flags 6. with 7. colors 8. national day 9. head 10. use

Page I

Task 1: CDEAB
Task 2: ACCA
Task 1
1. A: How often do you watch TV?
B: I watch TV every day.
2. A. What do you usually do on weekends?
B: I usually play tennis.
3. A: Do you like milk?
B: No, I don’t. But my mom wants me to drink it every day.
4. A: You look tired. What’s the matter?
B: I’ve got a headache.
5. A: What’s Mary doing for vacation?
B: She’s going boating with her friend.

Task 2
Baylee Jones loves to run. The 13-year-old girl is an eighth grader at a United States middle school. She started running in fifth grade. Her elder sister Dani also loves running. When they have time, the two often run together. “We really like running on mountain roads because it’s more fun,” Jones said. It helped her for this year’s 3.5km run. They had to run on mountains then. However, Baylee said it was hard to run together because they go to different schools. The two sisters decided to run on weekends.
What makes Jones run? This little girl said, “I like to work hard because when you’re done, you’re happy about what you did.”

Page II 1.鉴于沃特太太和她老公要在这里定居,他说如果需要帮助可以尽管向他提。
2.complained surprised understood respectfully
3.a. peaceful b. guessed c. thought d. happily
e. the poorest d. better
Page III 挑战原版:
Task 2: CBD
Task 3: He was rich and hard-working; he tried to make people’s lives
better; he didn’t let them have alcohol
Page IV

Day 1: DAB
Day 2: CDBB
Day 3: BCCD
Day 4: CDCA
Day 5: 1-5 CDBAC 6-10 DDDAC


Page I

Task 1: CABAB
Task 2: ABCCA
Task 1
1. We have a geography class once a week.
2. Could you please not take photos here?
3. There’s a Children’s Hospital over there.
4. I usually ride my father’s electric bike to school.
5. We often watch the boat races and eat zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival.
Task 2
Albert Morgan is a waiter in a restaurant. He often works very late. He is often very busy when people go out to dinner. He thinks it is boring. But he works hard because he has a dream. He wants to have enough money to go to Hawaii with his family for vacation one day. He dreams to go surfing in the sea, read books in the sunshine of Hawaii, and play volleyball at the beach. Next week he is going camping with his wife and daughter for vacation. The family plans to spend time in the beautiful mountains, going bike riding and taking walks in the forests. They are not taking their son, because he is only 5 years old. They will stay there for one week. Morgan’s aunt is taking care of his son when they are out.

Page II 1. a. T b. F c. T d. T
3. Stanford / computer in Stanford / the university
4. the most important building
Page III 挑战原版:
Task 1: 1. b; 2. e; 3. a; 4. c; 5. f; 6. d
Task 2: 1. T 2. T 2. F 4. F
Task 3: 1. People still use the oldest existing gig today.
2. The crew rowed the pilot to the ship.
3. People who love them are still making gigs.
4. People are still racing them.
Page IV Day 1: BCAC
Day 2: ADC
Day 3: AADC
Day 4: ABDB
Day 5: 1-5 CBACD 6-10 DCDDD 11-15 ABCAB
高一 高二 高三
[Day 1] 1-3 ABD
[Day 2] 1-4 DDCB
[Day 3] 1-4 CDDC
[Day 4] 1-4 CBAD
[Day 5]

1-4 CBDB

[Day 1]


[Day 2] 1-3 CDA
[Day 3] 1-4 BDCA
[Day 4] 1-4 DCAC
[Day 5]

1-3 CBB

[Day 1] 1-4 BACC
[Day 2] 1-4 BCBB
[Day 3] 1-4 ABCA
[Day 4] 1-3 CBD
[Day 5] 1-4 ADDA
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