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More hospitals needed (Page 4)


Do you know what a makeshift hospital is?

When might you go to a makeshift hospital?


While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What do we know from Feng’s story?

A. He couldn’t find medication at first.

B. He wasn’t willing to stay in a makeshift hospital.

C. He recovered within a week.

D. He was thankful for makeshift hospitals.


2. Makeshift hospitals _____.

A. received patients who had no symptoms

B. were built in 15 days

C. are built in large sites

D. received over 12,000 patients with serious symptoms


3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. European countries refuse to build makeshift hospitals.

B. Makeshift hospitals are being used in many countries.

C. New York has enough wards in their hospitals.

D. London has more infections than New York.


4. What is this story mainly about?

A. How to build a makeshift hospital.

B. Advantages and disadvantages of temporary hospitals.

C. The role of makeshift hospitals during the COVID-19 outbreak.

D. The importance of building large public places.


Words in use


1. He worried that he might have ____________ (感染) the novel coronavirus.

2. To _________ (应对) the novel coronavirus outbreak, China started to build makeshift hospitals on Feb 3 in Wuhan.

3. New York has finished ________ (建立) a makeshift hospital in the Javits Convention Center.

Post reading

Discuss these two questions in groups:

1. Will you choose a makeshift hospital when you can find a bed in a normal hospital? Why or why not?

2. What advantage do you think makeshift hospitals have?

Staying inside to inspire (Page 6-7)


How do you feel when you are alone?

What do you usually do when you are alone?


While reading

Answer the following questions:

1. In what situation did those great physicists produce their best works?


2. What is the book Walden about?


3. Why does being alone help you improve productivity?


4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?


5. What does the writer try to tell us through this story?



Words in use


1. He predicted that another epidemic would _______ (爆发) in the next few years.

2. _________ (而且),our sensitivity (敏感) to criticism (批评) from others can stop our progress.

3. Isolation also forces us to  __________ (关注) the details of our surroundings.

4. They ____________ (向他人学习) not by working with them directly, but by reading their papers and books.


Post reading

Discuss this question in groups:

How can you make full use of your time when you're stuck at home?


Taking the best photo (Page 8)


What is shown in the photo below?

How do you think the photo can help scientists?


While reading

Choose the answer:

1. What do we know about the photo?

A. It’s the most recent picture of the sun.

B. It was taken last year.

C. It is the clearest photo of the sun ever taken.

D. It’s as big as France.


2. What do we know from Paragraph 3?

A. The telescope mirror makes the picture clearer.

B. The telescope uses the oldest solar telescope mirror in the world.

C. The study of the sun has not progressed since Galileo’s time.

D. Humans can only study the sun from the ground.


3. The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refers to _____.

A. the movement of plasma on the sun’s surface

B. the changing of the sun’s magnetic field

C. a solar storm in space

D. the bursting of electromagnetic energy


4. According to Matt Mountain, we study the sun to _____.

A. protect ourselves and our planet

B. predict solar storms more accurately

C. predict what will happen to the sun in the future

D. learn more about space weather


Words in use


release     great     accurate     protect

1. The clearest photos of the sun _________ earlier this year.

2. It is __________ leap in humanity’s ability to study the sun from the ground since Galileo’s time.

3. Scientists can more ________ predict what we call “space weather”.

4. By predicting solar storms more accurately, we can take steps ________ ourselves from them.


Post reading

How can the sun affect our planet?




More hospitals needed (Page 2)

While reading

1. D。推理判断题。文章前三段讲述了Feng在方舱医院得到救护,从新冠肺炎中康复的事件,根据他的言语 Without such makeshift hospitals, many COVID-19 patients like me may never have found a bed.没有方舱医院,像我这样的患者可能永远都没有床位 。 故D为正确答案。

2. C。推理判断题。文章第四段They were built in exhibition (展览) halls, sports stadiums (场馆) and warehouses (仓库)... more than 12,000 COVID-19 patients ,以及纽约建立的1,000-bed hospital 方舱医院,伦敦容纳4000病人的方舱医院,可知这些医院规模较大,故选C。

3. B。总结概况题。文章最后一段用纽约和伦敦建立方舱医院的事例来支撑 Similar hospitals are being built worldwide as other countries fight the virus. 其他国家也在建立使用方舱医院。故选B。

4. C。篇章理解,提炼主旨题。整体理解本文:为了对抗新冠疫情,各国建立方舱医院以及方舱医院发挥的重要作用,故C为正确答案。

Words in use

1. been infected by

2. deal with

3. setting up


Staying inside to inspire (Page 4-5)

While reading

1. They produced their best works in isolation.

文章第一段最后一句“there are many great people who produced their best work when they were alone.”许多伟人在独处时创造了最好的作品 。

2. It is about nature, simplicity and beauty.

文章第三段第三句Isolation led to his book Walden, which is about nature, simplicity (质朴) and beauty. 独处寂静中他完成了《瓦尔登湖》,书中描述了自然,质朴和美。

3. Because nothing will distract you.

文章第五段最后一句One advantage of staying alone, as we may all find, is the lack of distractions (干扰). Therefore, choosing to isolate yourself from time to time can improve your productivity greatly. 独处可以不受干扰,所以能够大大提高效率。

4. Isolation forces us to pay attention to details, which leads to better creativity.

文章最后一段isolation also forces us to pay attention to the details of life and surroundings, which leads to even greater creativity. 讲到独处给我们带来的好处:迫使我们关注细节,从而提高创造力。

5. Being alone has some advantages.



Words in use

1. break out

2. What’s more

3. pay attention to

4. learned from others


Taking the best photo (Page 6)

While reading

1. C。细节理解题。第一段最后一句:it is the most clear photo of the sun that we’ve ever seen-and each of those “kernels” is the size of France.它是我们见过的最清晰的太阳照片,每个颗粒都和法国的面积一般大。故选C。

2. A。推理题。根据第二段The high quality (高质量的) of the photos was made possible by a 4-meter-wide mirror inside of the telescope.望远镜内4米宽的镜片促成了高质量的照片。因此选A。

3. B。推断题。根据第四段第三句The movement of plasma (等离子体) on the sun’s surface can change the sun’s magnetic field (磁场). 太阳表面等离子运动可以改变太阳的磁场。When this happens,可知,this 指代的是上面的整件事,当磁场发生变化后,故答案为B。

4. D。推理判断。通过Matt Mountain的话What we need is to grasp (理解) the underlying physics behind space weather 我们需要理解那些在宇宙天气背后的物理学原理,可以推出我们研究太阳是为了知道更多的宇宙天气的信息,故答案为D。


Words in use

1. were released

2. the greatest

3. accurately

4. to protect

本期配套教案共6页:  1  2  3  4  5  6

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